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Cluster Operations

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Mindstore is a large (110T) storage node where most of our data is kept. It was formerly mounted on cottontail, meaning that you could be logged in to the cottontail node and still have direct access to mindstore data. Since it has been unmounted, mindstore is now accessed by ssh-ing into with your cottontail password. The path to access the data from mstore0 is /mindstore.

Unlike cottontail, there is no direct access to the Amber suite from mindstore. Practically, this means that calls to Amber (e.g. cpptraj -i will not work from the command line and everything must go through the scheduler. mstore0 does have direct access to the scheduler, therefore no script headers need to change. Paths to input files on mindstore are also acceptable, as the environment (including directory structure) is recreated on the compute node it is assigned to.

NOTE 1: mstore0 is backed up with mstore1, but there may be delays in data transfer.

NOTE 2: As of 10-22-20, mindstore has 53T of storage used and 57T free. (Check from within /mindstore/home33ext/)

   df -h       # to see summary
   du -hs *    # to see individual users

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Page last modified on October 22, 2020, at 04:43 PM