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Equilibration sample input

   3ns equilibration step (EQUIL)
     imin     = 0,		! no minimization
     ntx      = 5,		! velocities inherited
     irest    = 1,		! velocities inherited
     ntpr     = 5000,		! print energy info every `ntpr` steps
     ntwr     = 50000,		! rewrite rst file every `ntwr` steps
     ntwx     = 1000,		! write coord to trj every `ntwx` steps
     ntf      = 2,		! bond interactions involving H omitted
     ntc      = 2,		! SHAKE on, Hbonds constrained
     cut      = 8.0,		! non-bond cutoff of 8A
     ntb      = 2,		! periodic boundaries for constant pressure
     nstlim   = 3000000,	! number of MD steps to be performed (3ns)
     dt       = 0.001,		! time step in psec
     tempi    = 0.0,		! initial temperature
     temp0    = 300,		! ref temperature
     ntt      = 3,		! Langevin dynamics
     gamma_ln = 1.0,		! collision freq 
     ntp      = 1,		! constant pressure dynamics
     pres0    = 1.0,		! reference pressure 1
     taup     = 5.0,		! time constant for pressure
     nmropt   = 1,		! restraint on
     ioutfm   = 1,		! write binary trajectory 
     ntr      = 1,		! restraint on
     restraint_wt = 20.0,

Equilibration output

  x_equil_#.out -- A summary of the system's energy printed incrementally
                -- This file will include information about the run timing at the bottom if the job ran to completion
                -- If the bottom of the file is energy information, the job is either still running or has crashed
  x_equil_#.rst -- Single frame containing the atomic coordinates at the end of the simulation
                -- Used as the starting structure for neutral dynamics (or piggybacking)
  mdcrd_equil_# -- The trajectory containing a sampling of the coordinate frames of the simulation
                -- VMD can be used to step through the simulation and watch it back as a movie
  mdinfo_equil_# -- Contains an estimate of the amount of time remaining for equilibration

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